Google Summit & Google tools

Renan Savidan Google Cloud Summit Paris 2017

Many products designed and offered by Google are tools at the heart of my activities: partly as part of my job as a web developer and also with regard to entrepreneurship.

It is not lying to say I am definitively a Google fanboy and as such I couldn’t miss the Paris Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Summit.

Below you cans see a few pictures of the event.


Learning with Google

The company does a lot to make all these products and tools user friendly and easy to handle ; however, it is useful to train for better understanding.


Everywhere Google provides full day trainings for the Cloud Platform (Google Cloud Platform) and even delivers a certificate for all  attendees ; I was lucky enough to participate and got my own reward !

Savidan Google Cloud training attestation
Learn Google

More recently I discovered Qwiklabs.

A Qwiklabs laboratory is practical; it’s an online learning environment with a set of instructions to guide you through a live, scenario-based, live use case.